
I would like to inform you of the recent decisions taken by the Men's Management Committee.


Try-Out-for-2019 Pennants
Players still needed for Pennants. Currently we have enough for one side.

Christmas Party 2108 Banner
A reminder that the Mixed Christmas Party is on Sunday 9th December.
The Committee resolved, following each Meeting to put up a copy of the Minutes on the notice board in the Games Room.
Minutes are also available online at Committee Documents


There are 5 Corporate events scheduled for December.
Thank you to all those ladies and men bowlers who have put their hand up to assist at these events.

Saturday 8/12/18, 1.00pm for 10 people
Saturday 8/12/18, 4 – 4.30pm for 60 people
Sunday 9/12/18 , 10.00am for 30 people
Saturday 15/12/18, 4.00pm for 25 people
Friday 21/12/18, 3.30pm for 15 people
Greens update
The top green will be opened for play on 8th December and the bottom green is scheduled for refurbishment on Friday 14th December.

The last bowls day for 2018 will be Saturday 22nd December and bowls will commence on Wednesday 9th January 2019.


day 3 Cairns (1 of 12)
The Mixed Bowls Committee produced a questionnaire to get feedback for mixed bowls on Saturday afternoons.
The result from those who filled out the sheet was 75% from the ladies and 85% from the men in favour.
This will commence on Saturday 12th January.
Raffles are to recommence each Saturday from 12th January.
merry christmas and happy new year wishes to your boss
As this is the last report for 2018 your Management Committee wishes you all a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
Ross Iredale

Keep up to date with the latest news on events in our club, championships, Pennants, Travelling Bowlers, Committee Documents and more by visiting our website - http://blog.demaj.com.au

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