The annual event between West Pennant Hills and Pennant Hills was held on Friday 11th April 2014 at Pennant Hills Bowling Club. This was the third year of the event and we were the current holders. We were keen to defend our title and at the lunch break we were in front by 9 games to 7. We needed to win 4 of the last 8 games to retain the Cup but unfortunately after a very nice lunch and a few drinks we were only able to win 2 ½ games to 5 ½ in the afternoon. We therefore lost the Cup by 11 ½ games to 12 ½ gamesYes, this learning was actually a great achievement but a wonderful way to spread knowledge and wisdom among students. prescription canada de cialis The cells capacity is improved to fill vardenafil online australia blood in the penis without affecting the blood pressure. tadalafil online Visit to you regular medical practitioner annually for complete body check ups. It is in our human nature to worry about things that make them feel bad and depressed about them or the issue. viagra pfizer 25mg . This very close result is typical of the results we have had in the past two years. I want to thank all those who played and for trying their very best to hold onto the Cup. We are the host Club next year where will try to win it back.



  1. A mighty effort by all. Playing again after a nice lunch and friendly company is always a problem.
    If my memory is correct it has gone to the home side each year so hopeully in 2015…