Calendars and What’s On

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Our Bowls Coordinator, Steve Arnold, along with the Match Committee, has put together the events calendar for 2018. The  2018 Bowling Events Calendar has all the events for the Men’s section by event, complete with entry dates

If you prefer to view the events in a yearly calendar format, the WPH Men’s 2018 Bowls Calendar is the one to use.

Apart from viewing these at the club, you can now view the latest version directly from the blog, from the What’s Onmenu option.

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Of course, you can also use the Bowls Calendars (in Google calendar format) which has the Men’s , Women’s, Mixed, Zone 10 events on one display.

So, now you have your choice of how you view the events of your bowls sections.

If you spot an error (or what appears to be an error) contact Steve (