Competition Panel 2015/16

In line with recommendations from Bowls Australia, your Management Committee took a unanimous decision to continue with a Competition Panel over the next twelve months.

Appointment to the Competition Panel will be by your Management Committee under the Regulations for sub‑committee appointments. If an applicant is successful in their appointment and had not completed the Bowls Australia Selection Module, they would be required to do so. The cost of the module would be covered by the Men’s Bowls Section. This process is open to all members.

Please contact the Secretary by downloading the Expression of Interest form from the website and placing it in hard copy in the mailbox in the Sports Room or emailing it to by no later than COB Friday 16 October 2015.

Collaboration between both the Selection Panel and Competition Panel is vital to the ongoing success of the Section. These panels do not operate in isolation, they operate together.

David Wilson
