West Pennant Hills Bowling Club has received communication from Bowls NSW in relation to the current situation with Corona Virus and Bowls.
The main message is that:
"ALL BOWLS EVENTS BE SUSPENDED FOR AN INDEFINITE PERIOD EFFECTIVELY IMMEDIATELY. This relates to all association events, competition events, club events and tournaments."
Clarification has been sought on the definition of "club events" and we have been advised that the "Notice to suspension of bowls includes social bowls"
Therefore, I advise that all games are cancelled until further notice.
However, if you wish, there are some members who are having an unofficial rollup tomorrow instead of the usual social game.
If you want to play normal processes are in place ie ring up after 10:30am
The full communication is attached.
MARTIN REEDY SecretaryBowls SectionWest Pennant Hills Sports Club