2018 Men’s Triples Final

Well, what a day, what a day for a championship final!

The day starts with drizzle and clouds threatening to continue the stormy downpour of the previous night, and at the same time showing glimpses of clear sky - promising better things to come.

That sums up the final between the teams of Michael Trimboli, Geoff McIntosh, Kevin Tuckerman, and Peter Boyd, Max Walters, Chris Judkins.

Chris' team took a strong lead straight from the outset and kept Kevin's team scoreless for the first 8 ends. At this stage, they held a lead of 21 points.

Just like the weather, the promise of sunshine was short lived with Kevin's team managing to win a just handful of ends. Chris's team continued to add to the scoreboard, taking the final with a score of  41 to 10.
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Congratulations to the 2018 Men's Champions - Peter Boyd, Max Walters, Chris Judkins.

Commiserations to Michael Trimboli, Geoff McIntosh, Kevin Tuckerman. Today was just not your day.

2018 Mens Triples finalists - Geoff McIntosh, Michael Trimboli, Kevin Tuckerman, Ross Iredale - President, Chris Judkins, Max Walters, Peter Boyd

View the full draw and all results here.