On Sunday evening 4th December the WPH Sports Bowlers held their annual Christmas Party.
Max Walters organised the event and the entertainment, and as usual did a fantastic job! The entertainment included the usual jokes, a floor show called “Mondegreen”, a trivia quiz and a raffle. The evening was a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Thank you to the following people, who helped to make the evening a success;
- David Curtis and Graeme Oddy for the Modegreen show.
- Heather Hardwick for a Bowler’s Christmas Dream
- Kevin Tuckerman for his poem about a Selector’s life
- Helen Quinlan and Heather Hardwick for managing Raffle ticket sales and Guest Entry
- Rod Wright for presenting a Cheque for $1320, on behalf of WPH Sports club and the bowlers to Rob and Rosalie Taylor for the Homicide Victims Support Group. Thank you to Con Ganis for donating $80 to round up the donation to $1400.
- Bhisham Singh for his videos and photographs.
- WPH Sports for donating the wine for each table.
- Kay Iredale for organising the raffle prizes.
- Max Walters our Master of Ceremonies and chief joke teller.
The floorshow can be found on Vimeo at this link;